Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gearing up for Cancún; Shell bankrolls REDD: Indigenous Peoples and environmentalists denounce

In advance of the climate change talks in Cancún that will begin next
week, this blog will be posting profiles of people and organizations -
and issues - to watch in the climate change negotiations.

REDD will certainly be one of the hot button issues this round.

These are the stories of the unlikely observers and negotiators,
people from some of the poorest communities across North America and
Turtle Island. While many people know that there are communities in
the global South who suffer from global ecological destruction, they
often forget about the communities who have been bearing the costs of
industrialization in the industrialized countries in "the North" for
the last 50 to 150 years. Often, the communities at risk or feeling
the drastic impacts of climate destabilization now in the global South
are literally the families and communities of the ones suffering in
the global North.

They are youth, women, Native and Indigenous Peoples, immigrants,
people of color, poor and working poor people from the communities
where oil rigs, drills, refineries, pipelines, incinerators,
landfills, toxic and hazardous waste sites, uranium and coal mines are
located, and the communities suffer from the ecological devastation
wrought by these industries and facilities.

Tune in, starting tomorrow, for profiles of the organizations and
individuals from the U.S. social movements going to Cancún, because
they know that "not only are we negotiating the future of humanity and
the earth, we are also negotiating the future distribution of the GDP
of the world."

* * * *



   For Immediate Release

Contact: Nnimmo Bassey, Executive Director, Environmental Rights
Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria (+234)8037274395

 Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director, Indigenous Environmental Network

 Shell bankrolls REDD

Indigenous Peoples and environmentalists denounce

Oil giant Shell, infamous for the genocide of the Ogoni People and
environmental destruction in Nigeria’s Niger Delta is now bankrolling
a false solution to climate change that puts forests in the carbon
and has been denounced as potentially the “largest land grab of all

REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) allows
polluters like Shell, Rio Tinto and Chevron-Texaco to buy their way
out of
reducing their greenhouse emissions at source by supposedly conserving
forests. However, according to the Indigenous Environmental Network,
rife with “perverse incentives” to convert natural forests into
tree plantations and to actually increase deforestation.

Shell, Gasprom and the Clinton Foundation are funding the landmark
Rimba Raya project on 100,000 ha (250,000 acres) in the province of
Kalimantan in Indonesia. According to Reuters, the Rimba Raya project
"a milestone" in the development of a global market in forest carbon

Shell’s REDD carbon offset project could be quite a money maker.
calculates that “At about $10 a credit, that means about $750 million
30 years.”

Renowned Nigerian environmentalist Nnimmo Bassey, Director of
Rights Action and Chair of Friends of the Earth International, has a
history of opposing destructive oil extraction activities. “We have
Shell’s destruction of communities and biodiversity as well as oil
and illegal gas flaring for decades. Now we can add financing REDD for
greenwash and profits to the long list of Shell’s atrocities.”

Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director of the Indigenous Environmental
noted that “Shell already committed genocide against the Ogoni People
of the
Niger Delta. REDD allows Shell and other polluting corporations to
fossil fuel extraction and continue destroying the climate and
Indigenous Peoples’ rights worldwide. As we speak, Shell is trying to
its oil drilling operations in environmentally sensitive offshore
despite the protests of Alaska Natives.”

“Shell is compounding its devastating impacts on Mother Earth and
Peoples by financing REDD which may result in the largest land may
grab of
all time and more genocide against Indigenous Peoples,” Goldtooth

According to Goldtooth, “Most of the forests of the world are found in
Indigenous Peoples’ land. REDD-type projects have already resulted in
grabs, violations of human rights, threats to cultural survival,
militarization, scams and servitude.”

For Teguh Surya, Campaign Director of WAHLI–Friends of the Earth
REDD is simply “pathetic eco-business.” “Shell must not use our
forests to greenwash the environmental crimes and human rights abuses
it has
committed in Nigeria and elsewhere.”

Last week, the 300 million-strong international peasant and farmer
organization, Via Campesina, rejected REDD and denounced that forest
conservation should not be used as “an excuse” so that “countries and
corporations continue contaminating…” Furthermore Via Campesina noted
“carbon trading has proven extremely lucrative in terms of generating
investor dividends, but has completely failed in reducing greenhouse

CITATION: David Fogarty and Sunanda Creagh. Indonesia project boosts
forest CO2 market.
Reuters. Tue Aug 24, 2010.######



   Contacto: Nnimmo Bassey, Director Ejecutivo, Environmental Rights
Action/Amigos de la Tierra Nigeria (+234)8037274395
 Tom Goldtooth, Director Ejecutivo, Indigenous Environmental Network
Indígena sobre el Medio Ambiente)(218)760-0442

 La Petrolera Shell financia REDD

Pueblos Indígenas y ambientalistas denuncian

La empresa petrolera Shell, mundialmente censurada por haber causado
genocidio contra el Pueblo Ogoni y destrucción ambiental en la Cuenca
de Nigeria, ahora está financiando REDD, una falsa solución al cambio
climático que mete los bosques en el mercado de carbono y que ha sido
denunciado como posiblemente “la usurpación de tierras más grande de
los tiempos.”

REDD (Reducción de Emisiones por Deforestación y Degradación) permite
a los
contaminadores como Shell, la minera Rio Tinto y la petrolera
Chevron-Texacocomprar créditos de carbono provenientes de la supuesta
conservación de los
bosques y así evitar la reducción de sus emisiones del efecto
invernadero en
el lugar donde se originan. Sin embargo, según la Red Indígena sobre
Medio Ambiente, REDD está cargada de “incentivos perversos” para
los bosques naturales en plantaciones de monocultivos y en realidad
aumenta la deforestación y la tala.

Shell, la empresa de gas natural Gasprom y la Fundación Clinton están
financiando el proyecto tipo-REDD Rimba Raya sobre 100,000 ha en la
provincia de Kalimantan Central en Indonesia. Según Reuters, el
Rimba Raya marca "un hito" en el desarrollo de un mercado mundial de
créditos de carbono forestal.

Este proyecto REDD de Shell podría sacar muchísimas ganancias. Reuters
calcula que “A una tasa de 10 dólares por cada crédito de carbono, se
ganar hasta $750 millones en 30 años.”

Reconocido ambientalista nigeriano, Nnimmo Bassey, Director de
Rights Action y Presidente de Amigos de la Tierra Internacional, tiene
larga historia luchando contra las actividades destructivas de la
petrolera. “Shell nos ha traído puro sufrimiento, la destrucción de
comunidades y biodiversidad, así como los derrames petroleros y la
ilegal de gas desde hace décadas. Ahora podemos añadir el
financiamiento de
REDD para lavar su imagen y sacar ganancias a la larga lista de las
atrocidades de Shell.”

Tom Goldtooth, Director Ejecutivo de la Red Indígena sobre el Medio
Ambiente, señaló que “Shell ya cometió genocidio contra el Pueblo
Ogoni en
la Cuenca Níger. REDD permite que Shell y otras empresas
expandan la extracción de combustibles fósiles y sigan destruyendo el
y violando los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas del mundo.
Shell está intentando perforar en las costas de Alaska a pesar de las
protestas de los indígenas de Alaska.”

“Shell no solamente está perjudicando a la Madre Tierra y los Pueblos
Indígenas sino ahora está financiando  REDD que puede resultar en la
usurpación de tierras más grande de todos los tiempos y más genocidio
los Pueblos Indígenas,” avisó Goldtooth.

Según Goldtooth, “La mayoría de los bosques del mundo se encuentran en
tierras de los Pueblos Indígenas. Los proyectos tipo-REDD ya han
en despojos de tierra, violaciones de derechos humanos, amenazas a la
supervivencias cultural, militarización, estafas y servidumbre.”

Para Teguh Surya, Director de Campanas de WAHLI–Amigos de la Tierra
Indonesia, REDD es simplemente “un eco-negocio descarado y patético”
no debe utilizar nuestras selvas hermosas para el lavado verde de los
crímenes contra el medio ambiente y los abusos de los derechos humanos
Shell ha cometido en Nigeria y otros lados.”

La semana pasada, Vía Campesina, una organización internacional de 300
millones de campesinos, rechazó REDD y denunció que la conservación
no se debe agarrar como “excusa” para que “países y corporaciones
contaminando…” Vía Campesina también subrayó que “el comercio de
carbono ha
probado ser extremadamente lucrativo en términos de generación de
para los inversionistas, sin embargo ha fallado rotundamente en la
de gases de efecto invernadero.”

CITA: David Fogarty y Sunanda Creagh. Indonesia project boosts global
CO2 market.
Reuters. 24/8/10.######

 Graphic- Shell bankrolls REDD- FINAL.jpg

 Shell bankrolls REDD - Press Release-FINAL-english.doc

 Petrolera Shell financia REDD - Boletin de Prensa - FINAL.doc

Posted via email from Decolonizing Environmentalism

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