Monday, May 3, 2010

Blogging from the CLPP Conference

This morning:

overwhelmed / stretched. Sorry to all the people to whom I owe things.
Been running and not resting

Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference at Hampshire College
April 10, 2010

Plenary session
* the you go / oh no of the current regime
* fabulous people i am meeting - liliana from MIchigan, a young woman
from Smith College / Texas (
* and then a media messaging training tomorrow in Boston
* and supporting a youth conference in NYC APril 16-17
* and then Bolivia, the 18th through the 23rd or the 26th and
* then who knows .. a dance performance April 28
* homies coming to visit April 30

so i'm running around
wondering if people in movement really think that i am 'located in
academia' - whatever that means
and if they think that ejection is necessary

Betsy Hartmann - "the end of american empire"

more to come

Posted via email from Decolonizing Environmentalism

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