Monday, August 9, 2010

Significant update on climate negotiations!

I just got this email from the Bolivian / People's World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth. These are significant moves in the negotiated text, especially given where we thought we were after the fracaso of last December.

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Press Conference: Bonn Climate Negotiations Aug. 6

CLICK HERE-->  to watch friday’s press conference by Ambassador Pablo Solon of the Plurinational State of Bolivia at the UNFCCC climate negotiations in Bonn, Germany (via UNFCCC website)


We have come here to express our view in relation to this new round of negotiations here in Bonn. After five days, we feel that this is now beginning to be a party-driven process, and at the end of this week, we have a text that is a party-driven text. We have taken a step forward because now from a facilitating text, we have a negotiating text and all 192 parties recognize as its text. It has a lot of brackets… it has more pages, but now we can say that the vast majority of proposals of the countries are on the negotiating table. In China, we will begin a negotiation line by line, paragraph by paragraph.

From the perspective of the proposals of the World People’s Conference and Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, we want to express that the vast majority of those proposals have been included in the negotiating text.

For example, the reduction of 50% of greenhouse gas emissions for the second period of the Kyoto Protocol from 2013-2017, the limit on the increase in temperature to 1 degree Celsius and 300ppm. Now in the new text, we have a reference not only to temperature but to parts per million of Co2.

Another very important improvement is to guarantee an equitable distribution of the atmospheric space taking into account climate debt, and to take into account also an equitable distribution of the remaining budget in relation to the population of developed and developing countries.

There is a clear proposal now to respect human rights in the operative part of the text, not in the preambular part only, and clear paragraphs in relation to Indigenous People’s rights and climate migrants’ rights. There is also the proposal in the text to recognize and defend Mother Earth’s rights in order to promote to harmony with nature.

Also the proposal of the development of a climate court of justice has been included in different parts of the text.

In relation to the proposal to not promote market mechanisms that develop offsets from developing countries in favor of developed countries – that also has been included.

There is now a clear reference in what is called REDD, which we think should be called Forest Related Actions. There are two options – one option is supported by those that want to have market mechanisms, and the other is the one expressed by Bolivia and the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, which is to move on without these kind of market mechanisms.

When it comes to financing, the proposal of Bolivia has also been included. We have said that it is necessary to use 6% of the GDP of developed countries to address climate change-related issues, and that has also been included.

When it comes to forests, the position of the World People’s Conference in regard that this should be done in an environmentally integrative way fully respectful of the rights of Indigenous Peoples is also there, and of course defending what we call real forests, and not trying to change forests into plantations.

So the main proposals of the World People’s Conference that took place from April 20th to 22nd in Bolivia are now in the text of negotiation.

4:30PM August 6, 2010, Bonn, Germany

Posted via email from Decolonizing Environmentalism

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