Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ABC Training for the Dyke March

So Monday night I went to the ABC training for the Dyke March.

It's at the LGBTQ Center at 1800 Market, we, G and me, get there like 10 minutes early, to be greeted by the tall white bald guy in a blue jumpsuit and Timberlands. The training is full. Muffled laughter shuffles through the wall. We have to come back at 8:20.

We wander down the street, find some food (yummy burritos from the Azteca on Castro) - after rejecting three - THREE - overpriced fancy burger places. in the cold. Saw an old student affairs officer from UCB.

Yes, so A, G and I are at this training. It's mostly to cover SF Pride's butt (why would you want to cover your butt for Pride?) around the alcohol license. Very serious stuff. How to tell if an ID is real. Card anyone who looks under 35. etc etc. Some jokes but everyone's tired. It's cold and it's late.


My favorite part: a rubric to help you remember how to tell if someone is underage / when checking their ID:


Give Back


seems like a good rubric that you could offer, in say, basic sex ed, no?


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