Monday, May 3, 2010

arrived in bolivia

this morning, the summit started this morning. being part of this delegation is fabulous and still always raises questions for me - what roles do we as media makers, teachers, thinkers play in supporting and pushing our sisters and brother sin social movements? one answer: in most of the rest of the Global South people´s movements whether for egalitarianism or for hierearchy, lawyers, professors, journalists, artsists, farmers, unionists, .. ARE part of the intellectual, political, social and cultural fabric of the new worlds that are emerging, that have been emerging.
Today i was most surpsied by: in the last 4 years, glaciers on the mountains that surround Cochabamba year round are now only barely visible - and we are in the late summer or autumn here.
today i was most inspired by the Mapuche woman who spoke, Moira, on the new vision that is necessary. Of the particular cosmovisions of Mapuche people in relationship to land, war, genocide, .. in the Southern Cone. These are contemporary, ongoing dynamics.
Coming: video of the NYC Youth Climate Justice Summit
short videos of various members of the US delegation

Posted via email from Decolonizing Environmentalism

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